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and °

in , you can expect with gusts to mph.
A ridge of high pressure at the surface and aloft over Pennsylvania will bring dry conditions, light wind and warmer temperatures through Wednesday. A storm system moving north of the Great Lakes will push its southward trailing cold front through the region on Thursday bringing the next chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Wind: mph
Gusts: N/A
Feels Like: °
Humidity: N/A
Heat Index: °
Sunrise: 5/20 8:32 AM
Sunset: 5/20 8:32 AM
Dew Point: N/A
Sky Cover: %
Pressure IN: N/A
, Radar
Current PA Temps.
Current PA Precip. Chance
Current PA Winds
Current PA Wind Gusts
, Winds
, Precipitation
, Precip. Chance
, Snow Forecast

Avg. Temp. °
Avg. Wind mph

Avg. Temp. °
Avg. Wind mph

Avg. Temp. °
Avg. Wind mph

Avg. Temp. °
Avg. Wind mph
Hourly Winds
Hourly Temps.
Hourly Precip. Chance
Weather Mon Night

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Conditions Mon Night
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Winds Mon Night
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°
Monday Night 5/20/24
Weather Mon. Night

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Conditions Mon. Night
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall 0"
UV Index
Winds Mon. Night
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds0 mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°

Temp. °

Precip. Chance
Average Temps.°
Precip. in.
Snowfall -"
UV Index
Wind Direction
Wind Gusts mph
Avg. Winds mph
Max Winds mph
Min. Winds mph
Feels Like°
Drought Monitor
Past Average Temps.
Past Departure from Normal Temps.
Drought Summary
Heavy precipitation fell across the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Wyoming and Colorado, as well as a large part of the South and southern Midwest. This brought widespread improvements to much of the South and Midwest, with scattered or widespread improvements in the Great Plains and Midwest. Heavy precipitation falling over the Southeast brought improvements from central Alabama into the southern Appalachian Mountains, as well as the area surrounding the convergence of the Ohio, Mississippi, and Tennessee rivers. A small area of the Mid-Atlantic region missed out on much of the precipitation, leading to minor degradations. Very dry weather for the past few months led to increased fire danger in parts of the Florida Peninsula, and short-term moderate drought and abnormal dryness expanded in coverage. Texas saw isolated degradations in the panhandle and south – where record breaking temperatures converged with the lack of precipitation. The High Plains were a mixture of light to moderate precipitation, which greatly influenced where improvements or degradations were made. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming saw improvements where measurable precipitation fell. Degradations occurred in western Kansas and eastern Wyoming, where trace amounts of precipitation fell. Montana saw heavy precipitation, which improved conditions across much of the state. Isolated storms in western Oregon and Washington brought widespread improvements in Oregon, which continued into southwestern Washington. Central Washington, meanwhile, missed out on the precipitation and saw further expansion of abnormal dryness.
Detailed Forecast
Over the next five days (May 16-21), heavy precipitation of2 to 5 inches is expected to continue to fall in the far South from central Texas to western Georgia, with 1 to 2 inches of rain expected in surrounding areas into the southern Midwest and Mid-Atlantic coast. The rest of the central and eastern United States will see some light precipitation. Much of the West will miss out on this precipitation.
Daily Precipitation
Daily Precipitation Anomaly
Predicted Soil Moisture Anomaly
Predicted Soil Moisture Anomaly Change
Precipitation Last Month
Precipitation Anomaly Last Month